As a Belgian non profit organisation, we consider it’s our duty to raise the light on the amazing work performed at organizations that have a particulate connection to Belgians in Canada, Gratia Derde, CEO and Business Excellence Awards Gala Director of the BCBC joined the board of the Annie Parker Foundation – whose mandate is to help patients, families and caregivers in providing education, prevention and support in the battle against the BRCA gene related cancers.
Such as we support SickKids Foundation every St. Nicolas we would like to invite you support Annie Parker Foundation at their 1st Annual Charity Golf Tournament, details below.
A warm thank you for your contribution.
Hartelijk dank voor jullie steun.
Un grand merci pour votre support

Fundraiser in support of women with breast cancer. Join the Annie Parker Foundation Board Members and volunteers on September 13th at the Caledon Golf & Country Club for their 1st Annual Charity Golf Tournament. Over the last two years the Annie Parker Foundation, like many families, individuals, businesses, and other charitable organizations have suffered a great loss of income and funding to support women, and men who utilize their services while fighting cancer. Funds raised will support programs for women and men diagnosed, being treated, and recovering from cancer. A limited number of vendor tables will be offered to interested parties as well. Please email Events Lead, Veronica K. Rodie-Fazio at for further details. |