One of the main drivers of the BCBC has been to promote Belgian networking in Ontario. The BCBC continues to offer you the opportunity to meet new people thanks to the ever-popular Frites Night gathering on Tuesday, June 29th, and at the end of every following month – either virtually or in person, as measures allow.
In addition, we also would like to highlight the Belgian Red Devils soccer games here, congratulate them for their first victory at the Euro Soccer Cup 2020, and celebrate them in Toronto.
If you’d like to watch one of their games with other Belgians in Toronto, please contact Café Diplomatico – 594 College St at Clinton (416-534-4637) where all the games of the Euro Soccer Cup are aired and reserve a table on their patio.
The BCBC is also working on a bigger event to bring the Belgian community together, should the Red Devils make it to the final. Fingers crossed.
We hope to see many of you at our next Frites Night on June 29th!